Monday, December 24, 2012

Can the mother of my childleave the state with out my consent (we were never married)

Q:  after years of searching i finally got the courts to summons her. when we appeard in court i found out that she had moved to texas. we were there only for childsupport. he was 4 years old when she left he is now 15 year old. she had her information confidential it is why i couldnt find him. i was under the usumption that he was in new york queens. 

David’s answer: At the time she left with the child, the answer to your question would have been a clear no, as you had visitation rights which otherwise would have been effected by the move. However, given the passage of time, it is now very unlikely New York will have jurisdiction any longer, meaning you will most likely need to litigate your visitation rights in Texas.  -- David Bliven (

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