Q: My husband has been seeing a woman.
She lied about being pregnant with his baby. She was not pregnant at
all. After he confessed to me about her "pregnancy," and plans to keep
it she suddenly had a "miscarriage." I obtained medical records
(legally) with proof that she was never pregnant. Obviously this has
been an emotional strain and I want to know if I am entitled to
financial compensation from one or both of them. I would like to sue
both of them. I also have proof that she was very aware that my husband
was married when they began their relationship. I have letters and
emails that they exchanged.
A: David's Answer: You could theoretically sue for
adultery, but as a practical matter you may need to pay more for a
lawyer to pursue the claim than you're likely to get (i.e., it's at most
a suit brought in small claims court). Otherwise, you can sue for
divorce. Thus, call a Westchester Family Law attorney to schedule a
-- David Bliven, Westchester Family Law attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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