Q: It has been several full years of no contact from the joint-custodial
parent. No phone calls, emails, , extra money, nothing, not even from
relatives. Child support is eventually paid, but with official
reminders through a government agency. Health insurance and medical
care, court-ordered, have not been provided during these years.
Whereabouts of that parent are suspected but unknown. The child is 10
and was abandoned by this parent as a baby. 2 visits of a couple hours
each during toddler-hood. Can that parent's custody and parental rights
be revoked based on these grounds? Can that parent protest if this
were attempted to attain? Can custodial parent assign a legal guardian
so the child won't be sent to the absentee parent in case of parental
A: David's Answer: You certainly have grounds for a
modification petition to revoke the joint custodial status as well as
severely restrict (if not eliminate) any court-ordered visitation. You
generally cannot terminate parental rights in the absence of an adoption
proceeding. And you cannot prospectively terminate rights in the event
of your demise - you can however capture your "state of mind" on the
issue by executing a will. Schedule a consult with a Family Law
attorney in your area for more info.
-- David Bliven, Westchester Family Law attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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