Q: Ex refuses to provide advanced notice required by decree. She later
says "I left message, not sure why you did not get it" - eg, notice of
Dr. visits. Could I hire escrow service to set up gmail account with
google voice number, transferring email and calls to my personal
email/phone, and - HERE IS THE KEY - contract with escrow service to
keep the password secret and not delete any calls/emails. That way the
Gmail account can be used to prove the negative - that no call or email
was in fact made? Escrow agent could provide affidavits as needed
along with print-out of call log/in-box for proof no call/message was
made. If so, would a certified ltter to ex stating "this is the sole
email and phone you should use to contact me" be effective in teeing up
persuasive violation petition?
A: David's Answer: I'm not sure I understand the part
about keeping the password secret, but I otherwise agree with your
strategy. Or you could just have the order read that confirmations
should be sent via e-mail in the first place. - David Bliven, Westchester Family Law attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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