Q: My ex-wife called CPS in NY for some bruises left after a spanking (which I feel horrible about), but then when they talked to the child he said he was beat by his step mom with a belt the night before. I even called my ex after I spanked him to let he know, but did not know it would bruise. Pictures were taken and report filed in NY. Anyways CPS from NY put the referal into PA, and since then I was interviewed. I just recieved a letter today that (PA) is closing the case after the having the interview and nothing was found. Just bad jugdement on my part. I still feel bad about the situation. However, can NY still come after me and my wife for abuse? Eventhough PA has decided to close the case...The spanking happened in PA, and the mother filed a report in NY, who has jurisdiction on this
A: David's Answer: If the child resides in NY, then NY could have jurisdiction even if the abuse actually occurred in PA. Speak to a Family Law attorney in the Ithaca area. -- David Bliven, Westchester Family Law attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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