Q: My now ex had me and our kids put out of our apartment by obtaining a TRO against me, which he has since dropped. The judge in that case and the support case for our children ordered him to return all of my belongings and that of the children. He has not and those things add up to the sum of $1000. He and his roommate had a verbal agreement with me that I would open all the utilities in my name and that between them they would pay the bills. My ex was to pay 2/3rd and the roommate 1/3rd of all the bills. I was told in both courts that I am allowed to either sue him for the agreed bills in civil court OR work out with his lawyer for him to pay what is owed. His lawyer only wants to give me half of what he owes because she says that is all the court will give me. How do I get what is owed?
A: David's Answer: The question I have is: ex what? ex-boyfriend? Or ex-spouse? If ex-spouse, then what does your divorce agreement/judgment say? Otherwise, you may have a tough job proving a "verbal agreement," especially if there was no consideration given for same. Schedule a consult with a Family Law attorney in your area. -- David Bliven, Westchester Family Law attorney (www.blivenlaw.net)
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