Q: I have been paying child support for 19 years. I know the child does not live home or is in school but I don't know how to prove it to the court house. I would like some direction with proving this to the court whom is requesting more money from me. I only know the child's mother for three months which she left me, when the child was born she requested support which I have been paying for nineteen years now. The child have never bought a card on any giving occasion which I feel it's not fair to continue to support someone that does not care.
A: David's Answer: There are a variety of ways to prove that. One way would be to subpoena the child & put him under oath. Another would be to hire a private investigator. Still another way would be to have an attorney or investigator run his credit report (to see if the credit report itself lists a different address). -- David Bliven, Bronx Child Support lawyer (www.blivenlaw.net)
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